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  • Writer's pictureEmily Miller

Why Life Insurance is Important in Ensuring Quality Life for Your Family

Life Insurance

Buying insurance policy is one of the smart financial moves that you can make especially with these days uncertain economic state. If you want your family to have a secure financial status even after you die, taking up Life Insurance policy proves to offer a number of benefits. The problem, however, is that many policy holders are under insured which puts their loved ones in a risk. Although it can be confusing and difficult to do so, consulting an insurance expert can help you learn about the most important details. A survey suggests that 45% of British men and 38% women are insured for a life cover. Again, both the percentages are quite low. Moreover, its general psyche that women who do not earn do not feel the pressing need of an insurance.

In other cases, there are many who are over-insured resulting to them paying too much for the coverage of their policy more than what they need to. What is essential when it comes to purchasing Life Insurance policies is learning how to find the correct balance. The design of the universal life policy has had a major change for the better in the current years. Universal life policies are permanent policy which range in ages as high as age 120. In a down market you usually have no gain but you have no losses to the policy either. If the market is up you can have a gain but it is limited. It was observed by Cancer Research that more than 130 women die every day due to breast cancer. With such an increasing number of women health issues, women should not keep themselves without a life insurance cover.

One can say that Life Insurance is the economic value of his life. When you grow older, it is also the time that you realize the significance of income. You’ll learn to look at things in new perspective and understand that while you are strong and healthy, you have to work your best so you can provide the necessities and comforts of life your family needs. But there are also times when you won’t be able to do so. It is either you get sick, because of old age or perhaps premature death. If the index market takes a 30% loss then you have what we call the floor which is 0 which means you have no loss but there is no gain. Some insurers will still give as much as 3% gain added to you policy even in a down market. Again 1 in 3 people is likely to suffer from critical illness. This way, Life Insurance cover is vital for both men and women. Ignoring a life insurance cover could prove fatal as your family would be left with many financial burdens.

Life Insurance is one of the guaranteed solutions you can have in securing your dependents financial security. It offers the most efficient economic method in order for families and other dependents of the policy holder to be financially stable even after the holder’s death. However, life insurance just other investment and financial plans has to be completed over a required period of time. Here three of the best services which life insurance can provide making it indispensable for families of this generation. Many of us feel that investing in a life insurance cover is a big burden. This info is especially for them. This is an alarming ratio as the families would be left to live a financially unstable life in the event of the breadwinner's death.

Life Insurance can greatly help in solving the family’s problems, especially in time of a man’s premature death. With the definite amount of income they can get from a Life Insurance policy, they can have a fresh start without any debt even after the death of a breadwinner. After years and years of working yourself, of course you would want to enjoy your old age in a way that you will not have to worry about financial problems. It is a very effective method of accumulating funds that can be used in case of illnesses, accidents and injuries. Contents insurance is enough! This is another misconception. While we get our car, house, laptops and other accessories insured, we tend take for granted the most important part of the family i.e. its members.

This Life Insurance cover is bought if one has a particular medical condition. If you die due to any other disease or ailment then the policy would lapse. Specially designed for people who have crossed the 50 year mark, this cover pays money that can be used for various financial needs of the beneficiaries. As the policy is taken after 50, one can expect higher premiums. If you think that a certain illness or cancer cannot happen to you then you are living in an illusion. With an increasing risk of sickness and critical ailments, one cannot afford to think that 'this won't happen to me'. This is lack of awareness and such a biased optimism may turn out to be fatal. The premiums would feel nothing when compared with the cost of your life and the amount of damage your death can cause to your family.

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